Dear Allen & Loni: I just arrived home an hour or so ago after attending the funeral for such a gentleman. (your father, Hubert Hackworth "Hack") I saw your 3 children and only had time to visit with Jenny a few minutes before they left for the cemetery. Hadn't seen her for a long time, what a sweet gal.
When I read the obituary in the paper it said you guys were from St. George, UT/China and so it made me wonder then where you were. I called and visited this morning for a few minutes with Maxine Burt before the funeral in the afternoon and she told me you weren't going to be here, that you were teaching English in China for a year.
I can only imagine how difficult it was, to not be able to attend your father's funeral and that was mentioned a couple of times during the course of the funeral. A lovely note/tribute which you sent by e-mail was read by Gerald ( I always knew him as Jerry, so I'll refer to him as Jerry) and was indeed a sweet addition to the funeral.
I was interested to find out just exactly how your families meshed. All this time I thought you (Allen) was Hubert's son by his first marriage, and after the Life History was given; found out that you were Dorothy's boy by her first marriage and also your sister Shirleen. That Regina was Hubert's and then added Lois, Donna and Jerry. It was quoted from your dad that when he married your mom and then there was a family of 5 and he said that is the way it should of been with me being the age I was." It was mentioned that Hubert, & I believe they called her Lillian were divorced; were your folks also divorced or did your dad die? How old were you when your mom married Hubert?
I remember going a few times to your folks place with Siri (Davidson) Pinnock. We walked over there after school (we must of stayed after school for something) and spent some time at the Hackworth's until our ride came. I remember such a warm reception, laughter, funny stories and I always felt so welcome. I also remember going over to "Hack's Grocery" store. What a fun place. Indeed your parents were great people and anyone who became acquainted with them, loved them from the very beginning. Just like Richard and I have felt toward you and Loni.
Jerry's daughter, Cindy, who gave the life sketch really brought her grandpa to life. She told a lot of it from the history your dad had written himself and then added some of her own thoughts and thoughts from the family. She really did an excellent job portraying his life.
The music was absolutely beautiful. The Law's did an exceptionally good job. But Trisha Baker's song which was a medley of old love songs, was spectacular. She has a beautiful voice. Is she Donna's daughter or daughter-in-law? I could tell that Jerry was nervous when he had to get up and speak and who wouldn't when it was their father's funeral. But he did an excellent job, and described your father so well. Gave some of his sayings, which I have heard from my folks, "If I have to be late, I'd rather not go at all" His expertise in keeping books, how he loved to ride his 3 wheel bike up town and even went clear over to Jerry's house, how he hated to give up his drivers license, how he loved people and how they loved him. How your folks enjoyed running the grocery store, and Jerry said (and I'm sure all you children had to work there at the store) that all those hours for dad working was pure joy, but for us kids, it wasn't so fun. I guess the statement I really like was in the obituary in the paper, that old people should just talk to each other because they would not remember they'd already heard the same story before.
I was glad I was able to attend your father's funeral. Funerals are really a celebration of ones life and my what living your dad got out of his life. You were truly born of goodly parents...
p.s. I knew I was writing this e-mail to retired English Teachers, so I tried to punctuate correctly, use my spell check and write sentences that weren't ramblers and do as, you taught me in 9th Grade English, Loni!
Linda Withers (former neighbor and student in my first year of teaching)
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